The year is slowly coming to a close and while many of us are not happy with how fast time can fly by before we even realize it, we are more than joyous to see this year, the second year of the Cooties aka Covid, come to a close. It's been stressful and many dojo have been among the casualties; closing never to re-open. There are so few good dojo open any more that the loss of even one is a tragedy for Budo.
We at The Aikibudokan of Houston have all worked together to support the dojo and grow it. These efforts by everyone has enabled us to continue to exist and to still be teaching classes in Aikido, Kodokan Judo, Shinto Muso Ryu Jojutsu, and the recent addition of a small study group in Tanto Jutsu. Since we're still around we may have to have some special thoughts about the future when we celebrate Kagami Biraki which will be the second Saturday in January. May have to seriously consider raising a cup of sake in celebration.
We will have normal classes for the rest of this month of December but will close during the week between Christmas and New Years'. There will likely be open mat practice during that week but only for existing students. If you are interested in watching a class before deciding to train with us then contact the Aikibudokan Kancho (head of the training hall) at 713-826-5877 for details about the holiday schedule.
Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year.